Friday, July 29, 2011

Book it!

I have now been engaged for nearly 3 (whole) weeks!!  And me, being the planner that I am, have started the planning process on this wedding business.  After all, Costco is already setting up for the Harvest, which means that Target already has Valentine's decorations out, which means that next May or June will be here in jiff!

Nathan and I have already started looking at venues and have been fortunate enough to have some help come along with us (in the form of besties... and my mom). Venue shopping with Traci, Amber, Amanda, April, and my mom has been a blast! And we're still in the process of finding that "ideal place."  Nathan is constantly reminding me that no place will be perfect, but we still find something that we're happy with.  That's when I decided to let go "perfect" and reach for "ideal." ;) 

Anyways, so we haven't found our venue yet, but we have both decided on a theme.  Being the academics(a.k.a. nerds) that we are, we decided we want to do a book-themed wedding.  AHHHHHHHH... LOVE IT!!!  We're thinking all vintage, antique-like books for centerpieces, and library invites, and bookmark save-the-dates.  I mean, really the creativity on this thing is endless...

I've already collected over 60 books, sitting in my "minivan-sized" living room.  We have 10 children's novel-type books that are 99 years old and by the time of our wedding, assuming my math is right, will be 100 years old!  AHHHHHHH... LOVE IT!!!  We also have 17 classic Shakespeare books from 1950 that actually might be worth something.  We also have 6 (ironically) books on the Bible, which are very beautiful and vintage.  And then of course, there are the cookbooks.  Only Amber can deeply appreciate the cookbooks ;)

So our next step is to find the aforementioned "ideal" venue.  Once we see it fitting in with our book-theme, then... we'll BOOK it (pun completly intended). 

Wish us luck!  And if you have any ideas, send them my way! I'm always open to creative people's opinions :)

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